table & chair duet

Table & Chair Duet is a simple yet charming physical exploration guided by the idea of object animation, about bringing life to seemingly inanimate (nonliving) bodies. Objects are treated as live performers, with their own will, strengths, and weaknesses. They are essentially equal to their living counterparts. The joy of dance is visualized in a duet between the animate and the inanimate.

The concept is inspired from a collaboration with dance artist Iannes Bruylant called “Animate/Inanimate” which is about animating (bringing life to) objects. The research looked at qualities of lifeless bodies such as texture, shape, and weight and transferred them to the dancers physicality. How would objects move if they could?

Concept & Choreography: Ian Yves Ancheta
Dancers: Keren-or Ben Shachar, Hellen Boyko, Sebastian Pickering Pedersen, Iris Boer
Original cast: Rowy Tebeest, Alkis Barbas, Rosy Lupiano, Jesse Swarts
Producer: Lazy Susan & Co.
Photos: Anna Fransen
Design: Catarina Ribeiro
Music: Davide Bellotta